A Whole Week!

It's been one whole week today since I loaded Poppy in my car and got her home. From the nervous, shy, calm puppy who would run away from strangers who visited her or new puppies that tried to smell her, she has suddenly come out of her shell and become this confident, happy, energetic pup. It's amazing!

She's now a dog that walks upto people to smell them and play with them and that runs up to new dogs ( even the hyper ones) and keeps playing with them until they get tired of her and snarl! Haha! I am so proud of my little one!

Though she does have some excellent traits like she doesn't bite or want to nibble at people, she doesn't jump or bark at visitors either... so for any dog-scared visitors, she's the perfect puppy to meet and make friends with!

Puppies are so amusing too. She gets these amazing energy fits where she zooms round and round in circles at top speed on a path she has created for herself (around our sofas and coffee tables). The first time she did that, we were worried she would hurt herself, but now we hurry to get out of her way! The breeder tells me there is actually a term for it, it's called "butt tracking"... hmm!

And the effect a new toy has on her is worth watching! She'll do a little happy dance around it, keep it and observe it from a distance, pounce on it, smack it, lick it, chew it and her excitement will know no bounds. I am off to PetCo today in fact to buy her more new toys!

She's also a very sweet and loving puppy who needs human contact all the time and likes sticking to both Vikram and I. Vikram of course is her play-buddy while I am the treat-fairy and the disciplinarian who keeps training her. And each time one of us comes home (even after say an hour of being away or from work) she goes completely crazy, jumping at us, doing her little happy dance around us, butting her head into us and asking for a good belly rub etc... it's adorable!


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