Poppy is 5 months today! And as of last Saturday she weighed 39.5 pounds at the vet. Doing great I'll say! I hope she crosses the 60 mark with ease as a full-grown :)
They say I am soft... with like really soft fur and so cuddly. I guess I have really good genes. I remember the world gushing over my mom Opal's fur. I must've got some of it. (Oooooh all this petting and loving and fussing over my soft fur and softer ears will go to my head! Now if only there were equivalent amounts of treats doled out to me for every kiss, pet and cuddle I get!) My humans use Johnson's baby shampoo on me... but I am pretty sure it's not that. I am just soft, and pretty, that way... We went swimming to Redbud yesterday, and we had an amazing time. In the end, after 45 minutes to an hour of swimming and running around the dog park I was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! Have been sleeping in for the past couple of days... sometimes I dream of big juicy treats and yelp, sometimes I dream of chasing other doggy friends and my legs start moving furiously even when I am sleeping. And then when I wake up, all the humans are usually laughing loudly at me or clicking...
I've always told Vikram that Poppy is such a wuss, so over-friendly, that she'll invite strangers into our home and give them our belongings, all for a little treat. But today I was proved completely and totally wrong. Vikram was at home on Friday morning running late and in the shower around 9 am. True Green had called to schedule their visit for this morning but since I knew Vikram would still be there I didn't bother locking the dog door. I saw a missed call on my cell around 10 am and it was a True Green lawn care guy. I called him back and he sound supper hassled (but he was very nice about it) and said, "I went out to your house this morning and your puppy was just not happy to have me there, so I had to leave"... Had to leave??! Because of Poppy??!! Of course I wanted the juicy details now... "She basically charged into the backyard barking at me, and growling. I asked her to calm down and she didn't, then I yelled at her and she basical...