Poppy Graduates from Beginner training!

Her 6-class training course ended last evening. While we did not think it to be of much value-add since she already knew sit-stay and is generally already well-behaved, it did not result in any difference in her. Though, with a lot of other hyper puppies at the training we could tell the remarkable difference from Class 1 to Class 6. The biggest example (literally and figuratively) of this is Diego the 2-year old Great Dane. He was rambunctious and his handler had starting bleeding on Day 1. By Day 3 he was a completely changed dog! I couldn't believe my eyes! In fact at an exercise last evening, 6 volunteers were handling the dogs they didn't own and I got to handle Diego, and he was sooooo easy, sooo well-behaved, never straining or pulling even once at the leash!

The good thing is, Poppy got to socialize with a lot of other dogs and humans and came out of her shell completely.

She graduated with special remarks from her instructor on how she was the most well-behaved labrador the instructor had seen! Yoo-hoo!

Graduation class was fun, with a few "Simon Says" exercises that had the handlers and puppies going non-stop. Vikram of course didn't quite remember the "Simon Says" game so it was funny watching him move with Poppy when he wasn't supposed to :) At the end it got so tiring for all, that Poppy just sat down and looked mutinous and exhausted. Another dog in front of her was smarter. He pretend-collapsed. He just lay there, flat on the ground and refused to budge. At that the trainer had to stop the exercise. The minute she said that, he jumped up and was his bubbly self again! Smart dog!

In the end they got their graduation certificates along with special remarks and took the graduating class walk out of the school :) It was so much fun!


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