
Showing posts from August, 2009

Another sunny Sunday

So I was cozily sleeping in my crate on Sunday afternoon, when I suddenly heard Mommy shriek and scream in the bedroom. I opened an eye lazily (c'mon woman, let me sleep, will ya?) and slowly cocked my ears. The next thing I saw was Mommy rushing out with a suitcase in her hand and throwing it in the yard and calling someone frantically. I could sense her anxiety and slight fear. Why was she afraid of the suitcase? This was too interesting, so I finally raised my head and started looking at what was going on. Next thing I know she had grabbed Dad's heaviest shoes and a shovel and was beating the suitcase all over, thwack, thwack, thwack... (Nah, I was too lazy at that point too, to go and investigate). Finally I heard her mention some words like "scorpion... in my suitcase..." Oh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. And I went back to sleep.

This is how I sleep on Sunday afternoons!



They say I am soft... with like really soft fur and so cuddly. I guess I have really good genes. I remember the world gushing over my mom Opal's fur. I must've got some of it. (Oooooh all this petting and loving and fussing over my soft fur and softer ears will go to my head! Now if only there were equivalent amounts of treats doled out to me for every kiss, pet and cuddle I get!) My humans use Johnson's baby shampoo on me... but I am pretty sure it's not that. I am just soft, and pretty, that way... We went swimming to Redbud yesterday, and we had an amazing time. In the end, after 45 minutes to an hour of swimming and running around the dog park I was E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! Have been sleeping in for the past couple of days... sometimes I dream of big juicy treats and yelp, sometimes I dream of chasing other doggy friends and my legs start moving furiously even when I am sleeping. And then when I wake up, all the humans are usually laughing loudly at me or clicking...

Hello from Poppy!

It's a beautifully hot summer here in Texas. I love basking in the 2 pm sun for a good 15-20 minutes, getting all hot, and then cooling off on the tiles inside the house. Toula has been coming over to play a lot, and the humans have been taking me swimming (as you can see from my pretty pictures below). Talking of humans, they were eating some yummy food the other day. I just sat there and stared and stared hard. I had a feeeling if I stared long enough, I could psych the humans into some sort of guilty share-your-food-with-the-malnourished-pet feelings. (Not that I'm malnourished exactly... I am quite chunky and cuddly). The humans were making jokes like, "she thinks the food will walk off the plate and towards her automatically if she stares long and hard enough..." Well, what's so funny about that? Maybe it will! I also wagged my tail prettily for good measure, and it WORKED! At first mom made a big fuss about me having bad manners and staring at people when th...