My Baby Best...est!
I've just had a shower (above) and I am a stylish dog (below) :) After all the bragging on my blog about Poppy yesterday, I went home to more delightful behaviour, so I decided to brag some more today :) Poppy and I went for a pretty long walk last evening and on the way we met someone who was clearly uncomfortable with dogs. It was dark and he was standing stiff in the shadows by the park, so that we would pass him by and he could carry on. Poppy however did not like his body language at all and I guess for dogs it's like screaming out "I hate you, get out of my face!". So there she stood, poised to half-run away, half-attack growling menacingly and barking uncomfortably at the man. It was fun for me to watch because I had never seen that side of my sweet gentle Poppy before! The best part of the evening though was when we reached the end of our street. Chris, a neighbor in our community who is passionate about dogs and has helped us with tips and advice regarding pu...