
Happy 5th birthday to me (on January 15)!


Fun with visiting cousins

We recently had cousins in from California.  Here is how I spent the weekend with them: In the pic (above) I actually got to climb up Mt.Bonnell and look down at Lake Travis.  I am a lucky, lucky dawg!

Black and White Portfolio


My latest and prettiest:)


Poppy gets angry

Well, well, well.... today has been a day of anger for me.  First some guy decided he had the authority to walk into our yard when Daddy was in the shower and Mommy was away.  Of course I rushed out at him barking loudly and growling threateningly (yes, yes, I rather enjoy hearing myself do that - it's scary... I must admit)....  He tried to be nice to me, then he tried yelling at me to quiet down but the stupid human was still scared of me.  I call it psychological advantage.  I sat 10 steps away from him, staring at him, growling in a deep undertone.... staring, staring... until he sighed and just left.  I heard him ring the doorbell so I went barking to the main door as well. But since Daddy couldn't hear it, the guy had to leave - too bad for him!  Later in the afternoon I heard Mommy telling Daddy what a "protector" I had become and how she was so proud of me for chasing away a "lawn care guy" and how she had to "apologize to him".  I even go...

Poppy the Protector

I've always told Vikram that Poppy is such a wuss, so over-friendly, that she'll invite strangers into our home and give them our belongings, all for a little treat. But today I was proved completely and totally wrong. Vikram was at home on Friday morning running late and in the shower around 9 am.  True Green had called to schedule their visit for this morning but since I knew Vikram would still be there I didn't bother locking the dog door. I saw a missed call on my cell around 10 am and it was a True Green lawn care guy.  I called him back and he sound supper hassled (but he was very nice about it) and said, "I went out to your house this morning and your puppy was just not happy to have me there, so I had to leave"... Had to leave??! Because of Poppy??!! Of course I wanted the juicy details now... "She basically charged into the backyard barking at me, and growling.  I asked her to calm down and she didn't, then I yelled at her and she basical...